UK Company “SCA – Shipping Consulting Associated” caught forging documents in US Government contracts

Husbanding industry in the last few years  has been under scrutiny. Husbanding contracting is not a cake walk for everyone. Only highly professional and experienced companies can manage complicated port visits where the contracting specialists of  the navies transfer all the burden and liabilities on their husbanding agents or contractors.  Navies are fighting to keep up the with the demanding missions and less budget.  Naval Contracts have become more complex and in contrast to the basic shipping contracts/guidelines including laws and regulations of of the host countries (including their own).  Contracting officers believe or like to believe that their contracts are always smart and lawful which is not always the case.

Wheels were invented in Mesopotamia 4000 years ago and are still in use nowadays.  You cannot substitute a round wheel with a square wheel. But, some contracting officers,  always find a way to have a square wheel looking like an impeccable new round wheel.  They award contracts with ridiculous pricing. Contracting’s  latest fashion is to award contracts at the lowest price ignoring the technical feasibility.  A Royal Canadian Navy contracting authority awarded a contract where the husbanding agent priced the port visit at “less than one dollar” to manage the entire  port visit. The US Navy also has been awarding port visits for one US Dollar as a total cost. Most probably these contracting officers have got a BZ (laurels)  from their admirals.

We understand that a group of independent journalists specialized in government procurement is studying these phenomena.

Talented Cheating

NSPA (NATO Support and Procurement Agency), a contracting body based in Luxemburg has been investigating a company headquartered in Chatham, United Kingdom, with offices in Monaco, Slovenia, Bahrain , Panama and Mexico.  Investigators are matching original supplier’s tax registered invoices with those provided by the company. New evidence has  surfaced that  “one USD Charge” for a port visit is a tactic to access the system, a free piece of cheese for a  naïve contracting officer’s bite. The laurels (BZ) now are a nightmare for both the contracting officer (who awarded such ridiculous contracts ) and their Admirals.  The investigation has evidenced “forged inflated invoices” from Danish Milk, Italian Food, Fuel and Port Services submitted to the Royal Canadian Navy vessels and NATO countries navies to recover cost and gaining unbelievable ROI (Return of Investment), all without being noticed.  Unaware, sub-contractors and fuel traders were shocked to learn that their invoices were forged and misrepresented for payments.  The investigation is expanding globally to other countries and navies too. It might be a fraud case that will even make “Fat Leonard” look like a novice.

An official Mexican Vessel registry certificate ( Certificado de Matricula 06012203227) issued 0n 3rd January , 2017, signed by Admiral Marcelino Tapia Mijares, (Segretaria De Comunicaciones Y Transporters Coordination General De Puertos Y marina Mercante, Mexico)  certifies Tug Ship Amarrador VII vessel is equipped with “one (01) caterpillar engine totaling 564 HP”.  The same certificate forged by company “SCA – Shipping Consulting Associated”, and presented to the US Navy in San Diego on May 2020 to be awarded the task order N0024420F0267 shows “two ( 02), caterpillar engines totaling 1500 HP each totaling 3000 HP” to meet the requirement of the RTOP ( Request For Task Order Proposals), A counterfeit official document to cheat the Navy and Kill competition. Both the original and forged documents are attached for reference. It is understood that US Navy Fleet logistics headquarters in Naples, Italy, is in possession  of both these certificates.

Is there a cover up ? SCA forged the certificate to match the requirements for a tug ship charter. A counterfeited document was produced to beat the system at the lowest price.

SCA Group is owned by Mr Gianni and Mr Mario Landi. It is managed by siblings Mr Jacopo and Ms Laura Landi. They have a long history of forging documents. In fact, records show that Mr Gianni has served seven years  in prison for forging customs paperwork to avoid paying import duties, taxes and VAT while smuggling meat and butter from non-European countries to Italy and Switzerland.  He also holds a life ban to conduct business for fraudulent bankruptcy.  Mr Mario also served time in prison for forging customs documents on grain transaction in Italian ports.  The new generation of siblings Mr Jacopo and Ms Laura Landi seem to be following the family tradition. SCA, Landi’s family company is reported to have been awarded contracts using forged documents. They have recently been awarded by the  Royal Canadian Navy and the NSPA, heavily underbidding,  perhaps with a mind to use forged documents to cover up the costs. 

The two produced documents are strong evidence of “mens rea”.

Competition of companies is important but honesty in contracting is a must.

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